Albatrox Capital ("Albatrox Capital") is an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).
All information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. Nothing on this website is to be construed as a solicitation to offer investment advice or services. Information about investing in Albatrox Capital funds is only available in the form of Private Placement Memoranda and other offering documents. These documents contain information to help investors evaluate Albatrox Capital funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses, among other factors, before considering an investment. Further information about Albatrox Capital is also available in Form ADV Part 2, filed with the SEC.
This website contains information about a selection of Albatrox Capital investments. These company profiles are intended as examples that clarify and typify Albatrox Capital’s investment approach, not as an exhaustive catalogue of Albatrox Capital investments. Past results are no guarantee of future results and no representation is made that an investor will or is likely to achieve results that are similar to those of the companies described. These investments were not chosen for their returns on investment.
Albatrox Capital may only transact business or render personalized investment advice in those states and international jurisdictions where it is registered, has notice filed, or is otherwise excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Any communications with prospective investors residing in states or international jurisdictions where Albatrox Capital is not registered or licensed shall be limited so as not to trigger registration or licensing requirements.
Certain links, including links to portfolio company websites, are provided on this website. These links are provided as a convenience and do not imply Albatrox Capital’s sponsorship or approval of any of these websites or their content. Albatrox Capital has no control over or responsibility for other websites that may be accessible from this website, the contents thereof, their security or privacy policies, or any products/services that may be offered by them. If you access any third party website through this website or because it is referred to in this website, you do so at your own risk. Links to or from this website do not constitute an endorsement by Albatrox Capital of the parties or businesses which are so linked, nor do they necessarily indicate any affiliation between us and such parties or businesses.
Testimonials of portfolio company CEOs are provided to demonstrate the benefits of working with the Albatrox Capital team. They are not provided to solicit investors in a Albatrox Capital fund. Some CEOs featured in the testimonials may also have an interest in a Albatrox Capital fund; such CEO’s testimonial is not offered on the basis of being an investor in a Albatrox Capital fund but rather as a CEO who works with the Albatrox Capital Team.